We allow investors to invest in first trust deed positions on our real estate rehab projects. Projects take 3-6 months generally. We manage everything in house from the acquisition to the rehab to the sale. You don't need to be worried about who is doing what and in addition you have immediate access to what is going on with your money at all times.
Your capital is secured by a trust deed, backed by real estate that has substantial equity.
You make Superior returns on your money.We free up capital to do more of what we are good at. And a first time buyer gets a wonderful home.
Simply stated financial investments are made to make you money.
Ampez Rehab Investors earn an annual yield of 11%-14% on their money. It is a straight forward return without the hope or hype. Investors know exactly what they are receiving in return.
In real estate investing annual returns can be deceiving. A 14% return might only last six months out of the year while your money is actually in projects. That is not a 14% annual return. That is only 7%.
Rest assure with Ampez Rehab Investments, when we say a 14% annual return that is exactly what you will receive. Our highest priority is to preserve capital and promote profit. We keep your money working 12 months out of the year.
Ampez investments offers passive investments. That means the investor does not have to work or be involved in projects to make a return. Investors sit back and reap the rewards of a good investment.
Ampez Rehab Investments has years of experience and a solid, proven track record. This is what we do and this is only what we do. We invest in short term residential rehab projects that are sold generally in the first time home buyer market.
All of our projects have sold. After seeing our continued results, success, and high rates of return investors rarely leave. Do you want to become part of our limited group of active investors?
Looking For A Better Return On Your Money?
You Have Found it.
Currently over 50% of Americans hold investments in the stock market. Very few know the performance of their investments from day to day or even month to month. Many find it difficult to articulate what they are invested in or actually how their money grows.
Watch your money work locally, stabilizing communities, and creating jobs. Immediately accrue interest and begin receiving monthly dividend payments. Easily articulate where and what your money is invested in.
Ampez Rehab Investments LLC 559.320.5968
8050 N Palm #300 Fresno, CA 93711 559.389.5802
We often have opportunities to invest in first trust deeds on projects. Click to be notified via email on available properties we are working on!

There are many firms throughout the country that allow investing in trust deeds. So how are we different?
About 90% of firms that offer trust deed investing are brokers and financial lenders. Essentially they are middle men who loan your money out to the people who are doing the field work of buying, rehabbing and selling property.
So, What Does This Mean?
Brokers and lenders often eat into your profit by charging you ‘Service Fees’ on capital invested. In addition, you have to trust them…a lot… because they chose who will get your money.
How Are We different?
When you invest with us... You invest in us. We are not a broker or a lender. We do all things in house. We find the properties for acquisition. We manage the rehab work. We get the house sold. We do not charge you service fees. We, like you, have skin in the game on every project and have a vested interest to make sure each project is profitable. You always have direct access to us and to what is going on with your money.
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